Since 2008 I have been writing an internet resource called "Heal the World - Tools for transformation and awakening.'  Exploring the many facets of healing, spirituality and global change.


Max Desorgher – Healer, Teacher, Life-path Counselor

As a Spiritual Guidance counselor, I help people find their way in the world of Spiritual guidance. Having searched and walked many paths, I am open to all, however it may present itself to the seeker. While following my own path, I do not seek to impose my way on another, but to help each find their own way, whatever that may be.

email me for information about my online services, which include:

Human Design Chart preparation and reading

Life-path counseling "I have been on a knowledge quest my whole life. I am a healer, writer, teacher, counselor, artist, poet and world traveler, and have worked with some of the greatest teachers, including Ruth White, Ra Uru Hu and Dr. J.J. Hurtak, and am a follower of the work of Nassim Haramein and David Wilcock. My vision of establishing a healing community that is also a center of learning, is finally coming to fruition in the form of Cumberland Academy.

My work in Guidance uses the Human Design System as a key to understanding your unique path and calling.